After being out of commission for more than a year while crews repaired and improved equipment damaged last year by vandals, Traner Pool opened to much fan fare (and ice cream) this week. The improvements were made possible with help from a variety of organizations, including a $50,000 donation from the Northern Nevada Building & Construction Trades Council Development Corporation.
Members of Reno City Council and members of the Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada present a $50,000 donation for the new Traner Pool on Carville Dr in Reno.
Improvements include new signage, more interactive features, accessibility improvements, better lighting, perimeter fencing, and a new security system.
The Northern Nevada Building & Construction Trades Council Development Corporation owns nearby Carville Park Apartments, a low-income housing complex, and saw the Traner Pool rehabilitation as an opportunity to make an investment in the neighborhood.
"We wanted to help improve the Carville community," says Rob Benner, representative for the Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada. "This was a great way to give something to the kids in the neighborhood."